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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Priority: Scheduled
Assigned To: Brandon Antone

Ticket # 157

This ticket is open
Severity: Important
Category: Support
Entered by: Bryan Davis 7/26/2007, 9:21 AM
Last modified: Matt Rajkowski 7/26/2007, 9:27 AM


I've installed Centric CRM 4.1 and everything went well. Problem is that I can't login!!!

I've looked thru the forums and tried all the existing fixes. I'm sure it's just a permissions issue but don't know where to start. Any ideas?


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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Bryan Davis 7/26/2007, 9:21 AM [ Ticket Opened ]
Bryan Davis 7/26/2007, 9:21 AM [ Ticket is unassigned ]
Bryan Davis 7/26/2007, 9:21 AM [ Severity set to Important ]
Matt Rajkowski 7/26/2007, 9:27 AM [ Assigned to Antone, Brandon ]
Matt Rajkowski 7/26/2007, 9:27 AM [ Priority changed from unassigned to Scheduled ]
Matt Rajkowski 7/26/2007, 9:27 AM During installation, the user is asked to setup an administrator account with a suggested username and password. If this is forgotten, then there are some ways to track down the user info and reset a password... all at the database level though.

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Matt R., Matt R.