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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Assigned To: unassigned

Ticket # 144

This ticket is open
Severity: Important
Category: Usability
Entered by: Ryan de Laplante 4/16/2007, 9:28 AM
Last modified: Ryan de Laplante 4/16/2007, 9:28 AM


We have discovered two bugs when creating reports. Please follow the steps below to recreate the issue. I have given detailed instructions on exactly how we were able to observe the bug.

BUG A - Subject Shows Report Type

In the Reports module:

Click "Add a Report"
Click "Help Desk"
Click "Open Calls"
Do no select a Site or Organization (leave as All for both)
Select Monday, April 2, 2007 for the Start Date from the calendar
Select Friday, April 6, 2007 for the End Date from the calendar
Check the "Save this criteria for generating future reports"
Enter "All Open Calls" for the subject
Select "Excel" for the "Report Type"
Do not email the report when it is processed
Click "Generate Report"
At this point, the report has been added to the queue and a summary is displayed
The title shows "Open Calls" -- this is OK because it was the "Title" selected early on but it should make reference to "All Open Calls"
Click "View Queue"
The report has already finished being generated
* The Subject of the new report shows "Open Calls" -- this is the Title not the Subject that was entered. It should show "All Open Calls"

BUG B - Lost Report Types (must continue from BUG A)

Continuing from BUG A (a saved report must exist). In the Reports module:

Click "Add a Report"
Click "Help Desk"
Click "Open Calls"
Click the "All Open Calls" saved report
* Note that the "Report Type" is blank -- this should allow selecting of a new report type with "Excel" as the current option
Click "Generate Report"
Click "View Queue"
Click the Down Arrow next to the most recent "Open Calls" report
* "View as PDF" and "Download PDF" are the two options -- this should say "View as Excel" and "Download Excel" since the option to change report types was not there and Excel was the report type chosen when creating the initial saved report

BUG B Example B - a different demonstration of the same issue. In the Reports module:

Click "Add a Report"
Click "Help Desk"
Click "Open Calls"
Rather than clicking on "All Open Calls", click the "Continue" button
* Note that "Report Type" is blank -- this should allow selecting of a report type


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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Ryan de Laplante 4/16/2007, 9:28 AM [ Ticket Opened ]
Ryan de Laplante 4/16/2007, 9:28 AM [ Ticket is unassigned ]
Ryan de Laplante 4/16/2007, 9:28 AM [ Severity set to Important ]
Distribution List
Ryan d., Matt R.