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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Priority: Immediate
Assigned To: Kailash Bhoopalam

Ticket # 113

This ticket is open
Severity: Important
Category: Functionality
Entered by: Kailash Bhoopalam 2/5/2007, 4:56 PM
Last modified: Vadim Vishnevsky 2/7/2007, 11:33 AM


The issues in

appear to have been fixed. However an upgrade script is neccessary to cleanup the data that already exists in the history tables.

Create a beanshell upgrade script that looks up the call_log table based on the link_object_id and link_item_id columns in the history table and cleans up the 'type' column in the history table.


A solution hasn't been entered

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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Kailash Bhoopalam 2/5/2007, 4:56 PM [ Ticket Opened ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 2/5/2007, 4:56 PM [ Assigned to Kaptyug, Olga ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 2/5/2007, 4:56 PM [ Priority set to Immediate ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 2/5/2007, 4:56 PM [ Severity set to Important ]
Olga Kaptyug 2/6/2007, 3:23 AM [ Reassigned from Kaptyug, Olga to Vishnevsky, Vadim ]
Vadim Vishnevsky 2/7/2007, 11:33 AM [ Reassigned from Vishnevsky, Vadim to Bhoopalam, Kailash ]
Vadim Vishnevsky 2/7/2007, 11:33 AM Can you give me more details about ths script?
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