Team Elements

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Next Release?

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Next Release?

2/4/2009 7:09 PM EST


There has not been much action on the blog for a while. What are the plans for subsequent releases? While I like Team Elements, the lack of much appearing to happen makes it difficult to commit to it as a solution.


1. 2/4/2009 7:56 PM EST
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design



I really can't exaggerate how great the next version is shaping up -- it's that good. We're planning to unveil the next major version, most likely within the next few weeks, with details and demos to be available shortly. The product has had a huge facelift, with hundreds of new features, and will appeal more broadly to a larger user base (i.e. all business segments). You can expect that the whole "project" piece will still be in there, but we've expanded the collaboration, integration and customization portions to truly create a unique product.

Please hang in there just a little longer!

Matt Rajkowski

2. 2/17/2009 8:57 AM EST
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Just an update... I've started blogging about ConcourseConnect -- what it is and what it isn't. The Team Elements product will receive several updates but you'll want to understand the differences between the products and decide which is best for you.

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