i can't understand the meaning of :
<form name="editUser" method="post" action="Admin.do?command=InsertUser" onSubmit="return checkForm(this);">
especially, action="Admin.do?command=InsertUser" can you explain me please
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By narra narra
i can't understand the meaning of :
<form name="editUser" method="post" action="Admin.do?command=InsertUser" onSubmit="return checkForm(this);">
especially, action="Admin.do?command=InsertUser" can you explain me please
Are you curious about this particular instance of form handling or any of Team Elements form handling in general?
Team Elements uses an MVC framework for handling HTTP requests. It's very similar to Struts. Read the following for a good primer about the ConcourseSuite MVC implementation:
So, in the following form:
<form name="editUser" method="post" action="Admin.do?command=InsertUser" onSubmit="return checkForm(this);">
the user form will be sent to a servlet that matches "Admin" in config.xml, and the method executeCommandInsertUser will be executed in that class. If there is a hidden parameter called "auto-populate=true" then controller will take the form parameters and populate a bean specified in config.xml automatically. Before the form is posted however, a javascript validation occurs on the form checkForm(this). If it passes, then the form is posted to the server.
Hope that helps.