Have the following problem with sending email from teamelements server.
I have linux machine, lets say server1. There is a teamelements instance there. It doesn't send email messages. For other applications (mail clients), command line 'mail' application mail sending works fine.
Also, teamelements installed on other linux machine, e.g. server2 with mail server server1 works fine. Mails are sent.
What may be a problem?
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Mail sending problem
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Mail sending problem
8/30/2006 11:48 AM EDTIn your situation, you are saying that mail + team elements on a single server, mail is not being sent. In your post it's not clear if you are able to send email using this server from clients on 'other' machines.
Some comments...
Which Linux install are you using? Make sure you are using Sun's Java and the Apache Tomcat directly from the www.apache.org website. For example, Fedora 5 installs a gnu-version of Java and Apache Tomcat and these have known problems with Java mail.
On some Linux installs, IP-based mail is not enabled by default, and this is required. Which mail server app are you using?
Another point, if you are using 'localhost' or '', then that has caused problems -- you should use the domain name even when the mail server is local. Your outgoing messages could be rejected by other mail servers.
Finally, it would be helpful if you can get an error message to display. Is there anything in Tomcat's logs/catalina.out when you try email? There are some tips for enabling debug mode in Team Elements by manually updating the build.properties that is generated in the fileLibrary with a DEBUG=2 entry, then restarting Tomcat -- you might get some further error messages.
Hi Matt,
After setting debug I get the following in catalina.out
- Requested action: ProjectManagement
- Thu Aug 31 11:27:20 EEST 2006
SecurityHook-> Security request made
SecurityHook-> Security passed.
Resource-> OverviewOK
PageLayout-> /layoutDefault.jsp
PageBody-> /projects_overview.jsp
Forward-> /layoutDefault.jsp
I am using Slackware 10.2, Tomcat 5.5.16 from Apache. Exim is used as a mail server.
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_04-b05) from package bundled with Slackware. Also tried java direclty from Sun 1.5.0_06. Same result.
Lets call this server Server1
The problem is sending email from TeamElements which is on Server1. Also Server1 is used as our local mail server. Everything is ok.
We have tried to deploy TeamElements on other (Server2) machine configuring it to use Server1 as a mail server. It worked ok.
The problem was with incorrect email from which mails were sent.
Glad you got it working, I did some checking and found that a fully qualified email server is needed, even when sending mail on the local server.
Check the following:
/etc/hosts somename.servername.com localhost.localdomain localhost
then for email server use somename.servername.com, otherwise the Java Mail API will report an exception.