By Matt Rajkowski
Concursive Corporation
Product Design
Hi Kumo,
A new release is being prepared... it has a host of new features and includes updates to the following libraries:
- Updated to ROME RSS library 0.9
- Updated to PostgreSQL JDBC library 8.2-504
- Updated to Lucene library 2.1.0
- Updated to JasperReports library 1.3.1
- Updated to jTDS MS SQL Server library 1.2
- Updated to iText 1.4.6
To move to Lucene 2.1, several deprecated methods were updated using details from:
In summary, each Indexer needed to use "new Field()"; the QueryParser needed to be instantiated, and the .delete method needed to be .deleteDocument.
The library changes have not been committed yet, but will be going into the svn trunk soon.
The current highlighter definitely has room for improvement. Please let us know how the lucene highliter works.