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New features today -- please review and test

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New features today -- please review and test

3/22/2007 2:24 AM EDT (edited)
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


We're testing several new features that are now online and in the trunk. If you find any issues please let us know right away. We'll be making a .war soon with a full installer and upgrader.

- Added a ticket distribution list which allows users, contacts, and email
addresses to be notified whenever the ticket is updated
- Added a self-subscribe (watch) feature in which users can request to
receive ticket updates by email
- Added a contacts directory for storing personal and globally accessible
contacts; users need to have the "global" access enabled to view and a
separate global access permission to edit global contacts
- HTML emails have been implemented for all workflow events
- Ticket emails now include a URL link back to the ticket
- The ticket permissions have better mappings to fields when adding, assigning,
and modifying tickets; permission visibility:
"Add Only": Access to Classification section
"Assign": Access to Classification, Evaluation, Assignment, Resolution,
Comments, Dist.
"Modify": Access to Classification, Evaluation, Resolution, Comments, Dist.
- Added a new workflow parameter so that the "From:" in emails can use the
user's email... Ex. the following parameter uses the user's email address
that last updated the object in question... this parameter must be added
to workflow.xml manually and maintained going forward.
<parameter name="notification.users.from" value="$"/>

- Updated to ROME RSS library 0.9
- Updated to PostgreSQL JDBC library 8.2-504
- Updated to Lucene library 2.1.0
- Updated to JasperReports library 1.3.1
- Updated to jTDS MS SQL Server library 1.2
- Updated to iText 1.4.6
- SendUserNotification sends individual emails instead of a single common email