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Task Security / Updates

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Task Security / Updates

5/3/2007 1:00 PM EDT

1) I found it interesting that an end-user can remove themselves from a project. It seems like a user could easily add someone else and remove themselves from a task without permission from the project manager. There should be some work flow around this that requires a PM to approve any changes to a project.

2) Also, it would be nice to have some options/settings around notifications to users about upcoming tasks.

3) And finally - is there some documentation regarding the use of the template files; specifically the excel XLT file? Parts of it are self explanatory, but some of it is unclear: like how the Item columns (A-E) are used, and how the Title and Date fields are used.

1. 5/3/2007 1:59 PM EDT

Regarding creating new users, it would be great to have a mass-import feature. Something simple that allows you to import a large group of new users via an excel file or something similar.

2. 5/4/2007 2:24 PM EDT (edited)

Josh Lyon wrote:
3) And finally - is there some documentation regarding the use of the template files; specifically the excel XLT file? Parts of it are self explanatory, but some of it is unclear: like how the Item columns (A-E) are used, and how the Title and Date fields are used.

The XLT (excel template) is pretty simple to use. I was trying to figure out if I needed to use a special character in the A-E fields as if they were just indicators for the level of the task. However, the idea behind the template seems even more simple than that - all you do is use those fields as the beginning point for the task, like indent items. A link to a screenshot is listed below:

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