Using Web Services
Centric provides a set of classes that can be exposed as Web Services, and
can be consumed by external applications using SOAP. To enable Web Services
the following software needs to be installed as a separate webapp under you
tomcat installation.
Apache Axis 1.2
You must have AXIS_HOME property defined as an environment variable OR as a
property in a file called ""
$ export AXIS_HOME=/path/to/apache-tomcat/webapps/axis
% Using System, in Windows Control Panel, set:
AXIS_HOME=c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\axis
Make sure to edit 'Axis' related properties in the following properties file
To make the web service classes available to external applications, register
Centric's Web Services with Axis. Run the following ant command:
$ ant ws The <axis-admin> [[ task]] is used to register CCRM services.
By default, Axis permissions require that you execute this command on the web server itself using localhost or
If the command is successful, then you should be able to point your browser at
the following url and you will see the Centric's Web Services that were deployed
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