There are several components to a ConcourseSuite install...
- The web application itself (centric.war) as well as the 'centric' directory in the 'webapps' directory.
- The fileLibrary, chosen and created during installation
- A Java Preference determined by the OS and created during installation
Cleaning up those three items, completely removes ConcourseSuite.
Default File Library Paths | |
Linux | /var/lib/centric_crm/fileLibrary/ |
Mac OSX | /Library/Application Support/CentricCRM/fileLibrary/ |
Windows | c:\CentricCRM\fileLibrary\ |
Default Java Preference Locations | |
Linux | /root/.java/.userPrefs/org/ |
Mac OSX | ./Library/Preferences/org.aspcfs.modules.plist in Tomcat user's home directory (or /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/org.aspcfs.modules.plist) |
Windows | Windows registry entry (search for aspcfs) |
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