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ConcourseSuite Community Edition

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PostgreSQL Java

Server Setup for enabling HTTP-XML API

There are essentially 2 ways of interacting with the remote Centric CRM Server. The server allows a Centric CRM user to connect to the server remotely and perform data operations on the server. An external client can also connect to Centric and perform data operations. Both the external user and client are required to authenticate with the server before being allowed to perform operations.

Centric CRM User

An Administrator can configure a Centric CRM User's access to the XML API by setting the User's [allow_httpapi_access] property to true/false. By default all Centric CRM User's are allowed to access the API.

Note: When a user is communicating with the XML API, the 'code' property sent as part of the authentication token, should correspond to the user's MD5 Hash of the password. This code will be compared with the user's password in Centric to validate the user.

Sync Client

Every external client application that needs remote access to Centric CRM, should have a corresponding [sync_client] record. HTTP-XML API Client Manager allows a Centric CRM Administrator to manage Sync Clients. The admin can add new clients using this interface when required.

The following Sync Client properties are of importance and need to be provided:

  1. type = any arbitrary name that describes the client
  2. version = any arbitrary name that describes the version of the client
  3. enabled = set to 'true' if client needs to be allowed access
  4. code = a string that the client will use during authentication

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