Customization Available Through External Configuration Files
Although the application allows customization of some features through the "Admin" menu, there are other parts that can only be customized through external configuration files. These include changing the logo, using custom CSS, renaming modules, menu items, and hiding fields.
Most of the common customization of look and feel can be configured in the system.xml file.
- Hiding Form Elements
- Renaming Modules and Menu Items
- Integrating Custom CSS and Logos with Default Templates
Note: The system.xml file is located in the fileLibrary. See a Sample system.xml
In the dictionary files field names and text messages can be modified by language. Check List of Language Codes for your target language(s)' codes.
Note: The dictionary_{languageCode}.xml file (where is replaced by your target language) is located in /WEB-INF/languages relative to where you have ConcourseSuite deployed.
In the file you can specify a logo for the login screen, or if you would really like to redesign the application, you can specify different CSS files and JSPs to be used for rendering the welcome page, navigation, and layout. Please note that changing the CSS and JSP files used will make upgrades non-trivial, since the differences between your custom JSPs and CSS files may need to be merged with future release defaults to take advantage of new functionality. So this should only be used after careful consideration.
Note: The file is located in the fileLibrary
Procedures for Deploying Changes
Comments (1)
Why is it that all paths for customizing the look and feel mention the use of "external files" and ultimately end in a page saying "This page does not have any content."?

Cesar Cintron
2 decades ago
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