Assigned To:
Matt Rajkowski
Ticket # 22
This ticket is open
Blocker (prevents feature)
Entered by:
Jol Blazey
1/15/2008, 7:59 PM
Last modified:
Jol Blazey
2/7/2008, 4:55 PM
Please refer to ticket 181 in the 4.x issue tracking system. This issue is present in this 5.0 community edition as well. We are unable to release a feature to a new CRM client because of this issue, which is why it is marked Critical / Blocker.
If a folderId is present, then the following change should work:
if (folderId != null) {
File Attachments
There are no file attachments
Ticket Activity
Date | Event |
Jol Blazey 1/15/2008, 7:59 PM | [ Ticket Opened ] |
Jol Blazey 1/15/2008, 7:59 PM | [ Ticket is unassigned ] |
Jol Blazey 1/15/2008, 7:59 PM | [ Severity set to Critical ] |
tom feltman 1/21/2008, 2:56 PM | [ Priority changed from unassigned to Scheduled ] |
tom feltman 1/21/2008, 2:56 PM |
Joel - your issue is not clear to me. Can you please add a note, screen shots, the DB you are using, the browser and the O/S your are using? Ticket 181 from the 4.0 system just says: 'Missing permission for "Pipeline - Quotes". Quotes access cannot be restricted due to a missing permission.' Can you let me know what permission - or is it you are getting an error that indicates you do not have permission to perform this action? The more detailed infromation you can provide the easier and quicker we will be able to provide a solution. Thank you |
Jol Blazey 2/6/2008, 6:48 PM |
Hi Tom, thanks for your response. You are looking at the wrong ticket. I double checked it and it is: Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released) Ticket #181 There is also a heap of info in this forum post: Centric CRM Developer Community / XML-HTTP API "Move uploaded File in a Ticket to a new Folder " db postgres 8.2.6 or similar. os ubuntu or centOS linux although neither are relevant to this bug as we found the line of code causing the issue |
Matt Rajkowski 2/7/2008, 12:34 AM | [ Assigned to Rajkowski, Matt ] |
Matt Rajkowski 2/7/2008, 12:34 AM | I suspect this will be in the 5.0.5, depending on this week's deadline. |
Jol Blazey 2/7/2008, 4:55 PM |
Thanks for the resonses. Matt has identified the exact cause of the issue and solution. We look forward to having the fix the SVN Head revision. Here is the code for reference: We found out where the problem is in the code this by modifying : line 143 FileItem thisItem = new FileItem(); thisItem.setLinkModuleId(linkModuleId); thisItem.setLinkItemId(id); thisItem.setEnteredBy(enteredBy); thisItem.setModifiedBy(enteredBy); // thisItem.setFolderId(Integer.parseInt(folderId)); thisItem.setSubject(subject); thisItem.setClientFilename(newFileInfo.getClientFileName()); thisItem.setFilename(newFileInfo.getRealFilename()); thisItem.setVersion(1.0); thisItem.setSize(newFileInfo.getSize()); Solution: by uncommenting folderID we can now post and upload a document to a ticket and have the document saved in the specified foler. |
Distribution List |
Jol B. |