The road to ConcourseConnect 2.0
Posted by Matt Rajkowski on October 28, 2009, 11:25 PM EDT

Enterprise social computing, take notice -- there's a lot packed into this product and 2.0 delivers on being secure, flexible, inspiring and easy to get started with! ConcourseConnect is a solid platform for launching your next community. It's in use by global corporations and small businesses alike.
While some products jive more on marketing then actual substance, ConcourseConnect couldn't be more different and more flexible. We've actually taken notice that our competitors are trying to catch up to our core features and we're flattered! We're not done though, as we have lots of new features in the pipeline and some catching up to do ourselves.
Some history… ConcourseConnect 1.0 establishes several key components of collaboration -- every user has a space to build upon and enhance, users can jointly collaborate in shared spaces, and public spaces allow for creating directories of useful information with integrated collaboration throughout. We took a 3-pronged approach -- allow users to register, allow them to add content, and encourage them to participate.
Here' s a few highlights from ConcourseConnect 2.0:
- Dimdim web meetings can be scheduled right from the calendar events page
- YouTube videos can be placed in blogs and wikis (like these videos)
- ConcourseSuite integration allows for essential community management
- Each space can be extended with ConcourseSuite CRM tools for space-by-space management
- Improvements to several modules including: wikis, tags and customization
- Security configurations for completely private sites and semi-private sites
So, how do you want to start your next community?
You can choose the open-source version and install it yourself or choose Concursive and let us install and maintain the application for you, and work through all of the details in putting the finishing touches on your community before it launches. Be sure to insist on the add-on community management features and the integrated marketing and CRM tools.
ConcourseConnect 2.0 is currently used in production systems and will be finalized for general release soon.