We're big PostgreSQL fans, and our standard production environment is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, PostgreSQL, and Tomcat. They've worked out very well for us.
There are lots of potential customers out there who are MySQL fans, and some of them have asked us for MySQl support. Up till now we've told them we don't/won't support it. Unfortunately we don't know much about MySQL, other than the fact that their license says we can't distribute it or it's JDBC driver. We could work around that, so it's probably not a show-stopper, and we're interested in exploring the issue.
We think we're now (with some code changes that didn't make it into 3.0) fully SQL-92 compliant.
So given what we know, I have some questions. Any MySQL people out there?...
Is MySQL support of interest?
If yes, do you think a big effort would be required to support it? Are there major issues that you know about?
Is anyone interested in heading up an effort to do it?