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MySQL Support

4/26/2005 3:41 PM EDT (edited)

We're big PostgreSQL fans, and our standard production environment is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, PostgreSQL, and Tomcat. They've worked out very well for us.

There are lots of potential customers out there who are MySQL fans, and some of them have asked us for MySQl support. Up till now we've told them we don't/won't support it. Unfortunately we don't know much about MySQL, other than the fact that their license says we can't distribute it or it's JDBC driver. We could work around that, so it's probably not a show-stopper, and we're interested in exploring the issue.

We think we're now (with some code changes that didn't make it into 3.0) fully SQL-92 compliant.

So given what we know, I have some questions. Any MySQL people out there?...

Is MySQL support of interest?

If yes, do you think a big effort would be required to support it? Are there major issues that you know about?

Is anyone interested in heading up an effort to do it?


1. 4/26/2005 3:50 PM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


There are a couple of historical reasons why we chose not to support MySQL (maybe these no longer apply). These previous assumptions include:

1. The MySQL license does not allow Centric CRM to include the MySQL database driver with our product, even though the end-user presumably already has the MySQL database server. This is critical in ensuring our users have a good experience in application deployment.

2. MySQL is not standards based. That means that while the SQL code in Centric CRM works with PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Daffodil DB/One$DB, Firebird, and Oracle, it would take significant changes for Centric CRM to work with MySQL. BTW, Centric CRM is SQL-standards compliant, doesn't use any triggers, and uses simple INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT (with JOINS) queries. SEQUENCES/AUTO-INCREMENT fields are also used.

So... without having researched MySQL lately, it may be possible that Centric CRM could work with the latest MySQL.

If you have experience with MySQL maybe you can either dispell these myths or add a few more of your own. Is MySQL support important to you, or any other database server?

2. 7/19/2005 1:24 PM EDT (edited)
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


After a bit of research, it appears that Centric CRM would work best with MySQL Pro...

"MySQL Pro includes a fully integrated transaction-safe, ACID compliant storage engine with full commit, rollback, crash recovery and row level locking capabilities." This is essentially MySQL 4.1 (or higher) and the InnoDB engine.

We have always believed that Enterprise-class applications, especially CRM applications, must be ACID compliant -- and Centric CRM implements those Enterprise-class database capabilities by using transactions and referential integrity, when other CRM applications don't. You would want to know that your data is safe and intact, so keep this in mind when choosing the classic MySQL.

With very little development work, I believe that Centric CRM + MySQL Pro could be supported if anyone is up to the challenge. Let me know and I can give you a few pointers for where to start. Once MySQL is implemented, the Centric CRM core team can maintain the database installation and upgrade process from version to version.

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