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Print Button is not working

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Print Button is not working

2/18/2005 1:24 PM EST

Hello Everyone

I got a question for Project Page, when one of my user wants to print the list of outstanding project list on the project main page. the Print Button doesn't really working. Please advise for any solution please.

Timothy Tse

1. 2/18/2005 4:49 PM EST
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


The user can either click the "Print" button in the application, or they can use the browser's Print button (CTRL-P). Both perform the same action. Centric CRM doesn't require a separate "print view" because we've already optimized each page for printing just the content.

I'm not sure why the print button is not working -- it would probably have to do with the printer setup on that computer. Make sure a default printer has been defined and that the user can print from other applications. Also make sure that JavaScript is enabled in the browser.

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