I am running CentricCRM version 2.8.1 on a Debian Linux host running Debian 2.2.20. I am running the CRM application on top of Apache Tomcat 5.0.28, Postgresql 7.4.5, and j2sdk 4.2.05.
When I generate a report, I see the report first appear in the "Reports scheduled to be processed by server" area. Then, shortly, I see the report appear in the "Generated Reports ready to be retrieved" area. In this area, the report status says "Queued", and the only option available under "Action" is "Delete".
I evaluated the CRM software on a Windows PC, using a previous CRM version (2.6, possibly). I generated some reports during my evaluation, and remember there was a "download" choice under the action item.
I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser, but also tried the same thing in Internet Explorer, and got the same results. I tried 4 different reports, all with the same result (Employees, System Users, Accounts by Type, and Account Folders).
Does anyone have any ideas about this issue?