Thanks for that, my reports now compile :) Well they do in iReports 0.3.2
but not in 0.4.0, not that I'm too worried about that.
Now I have my reports compiling I have a couple of questions. (You knew that was coming didn't you? :p)
How should I reference the image which I wish to appear on the report?
A relative path would be better than an absolute path, maybe to Centric's
images directory, I just wonder which is the method you use.
How can I get new reports to work from within CentricCRM?
Where I am modifying existing Centric reports I do not have a problem
running them from within Centric.
Where I am creating totally new reports Centric reports an error on trying
to run them - most probably related to the passing of parameters to the
For instance:
I copied the Centric report accounts_list.xml to accounts_test.xml
I compiled accounts_test.xml to accounts.jasper with no modification or
compilation errors.
I created a new record in [REPORTS] table in centric_crm database for the new report.
Relied on magic for centric to pass the parameters to the report and ran it.
Whereupon I received a whole host of errors:
[The actual error is:
org.aspcfs.modules.reports.base.ParameterList.setParameters(Unknown Source)
wn Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
I think the last stage is where I'm having problems. How do I tell centric
to populate my report's parameters?