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Moderator: Matt Rajkowski


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4/14/2011 1:15 PM EDT

I have a orcale db server that I would like to use is it possable to use oracle instead of PostgreSQL.

1. 4/15/2011 8:59 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Cody, ConcourseSuite only works with PostgreSQL.

At one point the development team kept up with over 10 different database servers during development, but now we target just PostgreSQL. That's the quickest and efficient way for the development team to make releases. To use Oracle, there are a number of database scripts that would need to be updated and lots of QA to get things back on track and I don't think Concursive is up to this anytime soon.

2. 8/20/2012 3:55 PM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


If this is of any interest, a Concursive Partner has stepped up with updated Oracle database support for ConcourseSuite. Please contact us for more details.

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