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different locale for each user

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different locale for each user

10/1/2010 8:16 AM EDT

Hi !

Just installed concoursesuite for the first time and wanted to know how to set a different locale per user or role.

1. 10/4/2010 11:42 AM EDT
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Hello Cob,

The CRM settings allow different timezones per user and a global locale.

To change the locale per user, you would need to have database access and change the [locale] field in the [access] table for the user. After any change in the [access] table the cache needs to be flushed or the application restarted.

Consider this an experiment, though the software supports different locales. The only reason I can think of that the option isn't visible is because not only does the locale adjust dates and currency output, but it also affects language translation. If you could turn off the language translation then it would be ideal.

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