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Moderator: Matt Rajkowski

Unable to install - The included page caused a problem

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Unable to install - The included page caused a problem

9/10/2010 8:37 AM EDT

I have downlowaded the latest ConcourseSuite 6.0 Enterprise, and deployed it succesfully against Apache Tomcat 7.0.2.
But when I go to http://localhost:8080/crm/ in order to complete the setup, I get the following error:

HTTP 503 - The included page caused a problem
type Status report
message Servlet org.apache.jsp.templates.template1centric_jsp is currently unavailable
description The requested service (Servlet org.apache.jsp.templates.template1centric_jsp is currently unavailable) is not currently available.

I noticed the templates folder under the crm war file is empty, could I be missing something?


1. 9/22/2010 8:30 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


I haven't tested with Apache Tomcat 7, although I'm really looking forward to it. Perhaps there is a compatibility issue?

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