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Removing Footer from Campaign Emails

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Removing Footer from Campaign Emails

9/5/2008 2:25 PM EDT

This question has a few parts.

I'm running on an in-house server that does not have access from the outside. I'm relaying SMTP to send emails. At the bottom of every campaign email there is the "Please click here to confirm that you have received the message!".

I would prefer to remove this message entirely. I did open up the TomCat server to the outside world and changed the IP address in the system setup. The footer link still comes out with the local address.

So, I guess my question is this. I would prefer to remove that footer. Can I?

Secondly, can I echo out other fields in the database to the email. For example:

  • ***

Dear [First_Name] [Last_Name],

I liked to inform you that your website ([Website_Url])....


  • ****

I hope this question makes sense.


1. 9/9/2008 10:37 AM EDT

Hi Bryan,

For part 1) The confirmation message cannot be modified or turned on/off currently. And it appears that it gets the host name from the posted request when you create the campaign. Are you accessing ConcourseSuite via your internal url or an external url when you're creating the campaign?

2) As far as I know, there is no support yet for dynamic values in campaigns (like those seen in other emails that the system can generate). I think adding that support to campaigns as well would be a good feature, if you'd like to make a feature request through a ticket.

-- Lorraine

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