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"requested page not found" error when importing data

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"requested page not found" error when importing data

6/10/2008 11:23 AM EDT

I am trying to import a CSV file of Outlook contacts and when I atttempt to import I get a "Requested page not found" error message. I have tried several different formats and still the same message each time. Any ideas what could be wrong? I successfully imported two other CSV Outlook files last week with no problems... I believe I am doing it the exact same way I did then... ???

1. 6/10/2008 9:31 PM EDT

Hi Patrick,

Can you tell me if you're using an on premise installation or if it's a hosted (ondemand) account? If it's on premise what's the version of ConcourseSuite being used, and can you look in the log file to see if any exceptions are being thrown and post what you find to this discussion?



2. 6/10/2008 9:35 PM EDT

Never mind, I remember you've said earlier you had the latest version 5.05 and were installing it on premise with Apache Tomcat. So can you take a look through catalina.out located at $/logs/catalina.out. and post anything you find around the time the import request is made here.

3. 6/10/2008 10:16 PM EDT

This is the most recent log message:

Jun 9, 2008 2:55:49 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters processParameters
WARNING: Parameters: Invalid chunk ignored.

I have NO IDEA what this means... :)

Thanks in advance for any advice.

4. 6/11/2008 9:47 PM EDT

Hmm... that's a new one for me too. But when I put 'Parameters: Invalid chunk ignored' in a search engine I got a bunch of hits saying it has to do with a parameter name not getting set to the request, such as seeing '&=blah (where nothing appears before the equal sign).

Do you receive this error in the step where you're uploading the CSV file for import? Maybe the CSV is too large or not correctly formatted? Also when you get the "Page not found" page in your browser can you copy everything in the url bar of your browser and paste it here. Hopefully that can help if the issue does occur from bad parameters in the url.

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