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4/26/2008 9:08 PM EDT
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By me yep

I have a subscription to a web hosting site would I be able to upload and install to that webserver? or Is all of these installations done onto a local machine.

1. 4/26/2008 11:34 PM EDT

If you have a servlet container (like tomcat) and a database (like postgresql) on the hosted server, then the answer is theoretically yes. I'm not an expert on web hosting, but if you have a VPS that gives you root access to install the software you need then you should be good to go once everything has been set up.

That said we have run into strange behavior in the application when it's run in virtual environments such as VMWare. In house we run the application on dedicated servers without virtualization.

2. 8/6/2008 7:52 AM EDT

We will soon open an account at (with Tomcat support)
with the purpose of installing Concursive CRM there. I will let you know then :)

I wish there was howto for that task :(

3. 8/6/2008 7:10 PM EDT

I tried for a long time to get it working at Lunarpages. It looked like it would work, but the ultimate stumbling block was that you need SUPER privileges on the MySQL database. These privileges are not typically available in a shared hosting environment. With a VPS you should be ok. I still don't know why SUPER privileges are needed, so if someone knows please inform me.


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