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Where'd all the messages go?

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Where'd all the messages go?

3/1/2008 12:19 PM EST

Hey! Where'd all the forum messages go?

I logged into the forums this morning and all but a couple now have zero (0) messages in them.

What happened? Database crash?

1. 3/1/2008 9:55 PM EST

Hi Michael,

The enterprise edition forum is much less mature than the community forum. So there aren't as many posts here as the community edition.

But I definitely think you've raised a valid concern about the user friendliness of project navigation, so I've entered a ticket to address it.

Thanks for your support!


2. 3/3/2008 2:44 PM EST

Hi again Lorraine,

I think you have me confused with someone else. <g> I didn't raise a question about project management. I had raised two questions, but that wasn't one of them:

1. Is it possible to import messages into a lead/contact/account's data to track email correspondence that doesn't originate from within centric?

2. How is an existing contact attached to an account? I have several cases where I've created leads during recruitment and then turned the company they work for into an account. The individuals are contacts within the company, but they are not the company account. If I create them as "new" contacts withing the account, I lose all tracking information.

3. 3/3/2008 6:03 PM EST

Actually, I lied. :) I had 3 questions.

The third was about accessing centric from a PDA browser like the one included in the Palm OS or Windows CE.

I thought I had read something about that somewhere before I installed Concursive, but now I can't find it and don't remember what the answer was.

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