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Error on modify ticket's category

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Error on modify ticket's category

1/28/2008 10:40 AM EST

When i try to modify the category of tickets, i receive a null pointer exception, because the String variable "object", in the ContainerMenuHandler class, is null.

Any help?

Marco Pancioni

Antica Bottega Digitale

1. 1/28/2008 11:02 AM EST

This error happens because the "dhv:container" tag of jsp haven't set the "object" parameter.

I fixed the error adding "object=ticketCategories" to "dhv:container" tag

I don't know the right value for this parameter, and i don't know if exist a right value!

Is there a right value for "object" parameter?

Marco Pancioni

Antica Bottega Digitale


2. 1/30/2008 3:49 AM EST

Hi Marco,

I wasn't able to reproduce that error on the community edition. I looked at the troubletickets_details.jsp and the object="TicketDetails" was set on the dhv:container. Was there another jsp that had the object attribute missing?

- Lorraine

3. 1/30/2008 4:24 AM EST

Hi Lorraine,

The error happens in the admin module, when you try to change the categories of tickets (admin -> Config Module -> Help Desk -> categories-> modify).

The wrong jsp is "admin/admin_view_activecategories.jsp". in this file the dhv:container tag didn't have the "object" parameter.

Marco Pancioni

Antica Bottega Digitale

Concursive Suite Solution Provider

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