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Outlook integration easy question

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Outlook integration easy question

12/28/2007 4:52 PM EST


as you may have seen in my previous post we've just started using the hosted version of Centric / Concursive. I've installed the Outlook integration tool and it seems to have gone ok with the Concursive menu option now in Outlook.

What are the credentials I should be using to connect with? Is it our hosted URL and usernames? If so I can't get it to work. The error message I get is "Could not connect to Concursive suite. Please verify the configuration details and try again"

Thanks for your help.


1. 12/30/2007 9:54 AM EST

I have the same problem.

2. 1/8/2008 12:50 PM EST

has anybody managed to get this working?

3. 1/8/2008 2:52 PM EST

I've had the sync working since v4.2. Use your login and password that you use to login to your URL.

4. 1/8/2008 3:05 PM EST

It works with our install using "http://", however "https://" produces the error mentioned above.

5. 1/8/2008 3:10 PM EST

Travis Dahlgren wrote:
It works with our install using "http://", however "https://" produces the error mentioned above.

That's strange, I set up the sync with "https://" and it works fine.

6. 1/10/2008 9:18 PM EST

I have exactly this problem and it makes no difference whether I use http:// or https://. ANyone got further advice as this is a deal killer

7. 1/11/2008 4:15 AM EST

Maybe this helps. I think that the user that is used in the Outlook tool should have WebDav.
Administration (Right-UP)->User Administration->

  • Click the User you want to use in the connection.
  • Modify
  • Check Webdav.

It is working properly for me.

8. 1/11/2008 2:43 PM EST

Nice idea, but that hasn't fixed my problem. Still can't connect

9. 1/14/2008 9:54 AM EST

Sorry, the option is Allow HTTP-API. I have just checked with the 5 users group edition checking and unchecking it, and is working pretty well.

Sorry again for the mistake.

10. 1/14/2008 12:25 PM EST

Unfortunately, that doesn't work either, and I had already tried that based on your earlier advice.

Does anyone know whether there is a log somewhere that will give a better debug trace?

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