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Changes to Pintable ticket.

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Changes to Pintable ticket.

7/8/2007 11:23 PM EDT


I was wondering if it were possible to change the Information that is included on the "printable Ticketform" in help desk?


Jason S

1. 7/9/2007 11:09 AM EDT


You do have a few options in order to modify the Printable Ticket form. One option is to manually edit the .xml file and delete the .jasper file so it will create a new .japsper file with your changes. These files can be found in the webinf/reports folder of your deployed Centric CRM instance.

Another option is to use iReport, which can create and modify Jasper Report files. You can export the ones you want to modify and import them (or overwrite the files in the webinf/reports directory) into your CRM instance. Hope that helps.

Brandon Antone
Sales Engineer
Centric CRM

2. 7/9/2007 11:30 AM EDT

Thanks Brandon, This will be a great help. One more question, Ive created a folder and some fields with in it. Can the feilds in this folder be added to this report?

3. 7/9/2007 11:52 AM EDT

I think that would be something relating to how you edit/modify the Jasper and/or XML files.

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