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Email attachment

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Email attachment

10/24/2006 10:25 AM EDT

We are evaluating Centric for our own future use... Would somebody have an answer to the following questions?

We sell customized services then our quotations consist of "personalized" documents... We don't have products catalogue then I don't think that the Quote Module will suit our expectations (am I wrong?)...
The documents (our quotations) are what we need to send to our accounts, and we want to keep track of these messages.
If we upload the quotation in the Documents of the corresponding account, is there a way to attach the uploaded quotation to a email we would send to a contact of the account?
If this is not possible, would anyone have a suggestion?
Thanks in advance!

1. 10/28/2006 6:29 PM EDT

Vincent Vandeclee wrote:
If we upload the quotation in the Documents of the corresponding account, is there a way to attach the uploaded quotation to a email we would send to a contact of the account?
If this is not possible, would anyone have a suggestion?

It is not in 4.0, I have not upgraded to 4.1 yet, so someone else will need to respond to that..

It is a suggested enhancement.. of which I have regularly voted for..<G>


Go to Campaigns and you can create a template message that has attachments. We have some standard ones we send out to new clients, but we also have a template that we use to attach "random as needed" files to..

It's a bit clunky but it works..

John Moore

2. 10/30/2006 5:20 AM EST

this is definitively "clunky" :-)
Let's say: attachments in mail message functionality are needed.

3. 10/30/2006 8:59 AM EST

There is a "Mail Attachments" feature currently being worked on. You should see it in a future release.

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