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11. 3/22/2007 6:08 AM EDT

I think you have to make a choose. The problems are the words "material" and "internal use only". Because information on how to interact with Centric Crm is copyrighted (in the sense that you can publish information, but I cannot) it's impossible to share any program that make use of any source code portion of centric crm. By the way, you have not published (or I have not seen) any documentation about centric crm architecture (I've done a quick reverse engeneering for internal use only) and that explicits your intention to keep that information private. You understand that this means it's impossible to promote improvements by the oss community. Really, your licence is not a opensource licence but it's like some other vendors licence that give out source code to be used and modified strictly by end users (for educational purpouse, for example as Microsoft does). I understand you have made this licence to protect yourself from others. But, perhaps, you have to belive more on your product and have a different l
icence. Or accept (and make more clear) that the project is fully copyrighted and the source code is public (that's different from opensource software in the sense of GNU/GPL or Apache or BSD licence). I guess is not a coincidence you ask contributors to use a OSS licence and not a licence as your!
If you choose for a oss licence, my suggestion, do not invent a new one. Get an existing one. oss programmers usually do not have time to spend on understanding complex and small differences.
I apologize for the situation.

12. 5/7/2007 2:03 PM EDT

Please, can Dark Horse Venture give a clear answer to this post?
It seems that mr. Trampus has raised a sort of problem.
We (Antica Bottega Digitale) have give back to Centric crm community some bug fixing.
Do we have broken dark horse venture copyright?

Thank you very much.

Lucio Magini
Antica Bottega Digitale

romano trampus wrote:
I think you have to make a choose. The problems are the words "material" and "internal use only". Because information on how to interact with Centric Crm is copyrighted (in the sense that you can publish information, but I cannot) it's impossible to share any program that make use of any source code portion of centric crm. By the way, you have not published (or I have not seen) any documentation about centric crm architecture (I've done a quick reverse engeneering for internal use only) and that explicits your intention to keep that information private. You understand that this means it's impossible to promote improvements by the oss community. Really, your licence is not a opensource licence but it's like some other vendors licence that give out source code to be used and modified strictly by end users (for educational purpouse, for example as Microsoft does). I understand you have made this licence to protect yourself from others. But, perhaps, you have to belive more on your product and have a different l

icence. Or accept (and make more clear) that the project is fully copyrighted and the source code is public (that's different from opensource software in the sense of GNU/GPL or Apache or BSD licence). I guess is not a coincidence you ask contributors to use a OSS licence and not a licence as your!
If you choose for a oss licence, my suggestion, do not invent a new one. Get an existing one. oss programmers usually do not have time to spend on understanding complex and small differences.
I apologize for the situation.

13. 5/8/2007 1:33 PM EDT (edited)

Hi All,

This reply is intended to answer several of the questions that have gone before...
Romano & Lucio,

While we do not allow redistribution without first executing a Resellers Agreement, the process of executing that agreement is simple and allows you to do what you want. We just feel more comfortable knowing who is working with customers and our software.

Additionally, writing software which uses our API's is not forbidden and does not constitute redistribution of our source code (how could it?).

Information about Centric CRM architecture is contained in the Centric CRM Documentation project, and contains separate documentation on architecture, framework and development, the schema, the XML-HTTP API, the persistance framework, and others (I can't remember what they all are at this point). There is also a ~300 page users manual there for the downloading. In short, we have tried to be as transparent as we could possibly be, and share all our technical documents with the community. If we've written it down, it's there. If we haven't written it down, it's because we haven't had the time, not because we're trying to hide something from the community or our competitors.

I hope this answers your questions and perhaps stimulates more questions and conversation.


14. 5/10/2007 5:44 AM EDT (edited)

Tom, i really do not understand.
You say you "share all our technical documents with the community. If we've written it down, it's there. If we haven't written it down, it's because we haven't had the time, not because we're trying to hide something from the community or our competitors."

BUT inside the centric crm solution provider document we read:

"CRM Partner Developer Center which
✓ Development project management
✓ Additional “partner only” technical
✓ Knowledge-base
✓ Access to Centric CRM “core team”

Additional "partner only" technical documentation... :-(

You use a "non distributable licence" but want community to use mandatory distributable ones..(you say)

This community version is much really not a community version, but a dark horse way to have free bug fixing. :-)

This is ok if this is your business model and people like it, but you have to declare everithing much much better i think.

In my opinion , the question raised by Romano is really concrete:

centri code say:
"This material cannot be distributed without written
permission from Dark Horse Ventures LLC
Permission to use, copy, and modify
this material for internal use is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies."

So we have to include this copyright notice every time we modify the source code AND we cannot NEVER publish this code as it is only for internal use.
Also to give back the modified version to the comunity we MUST have a "written permission from Dark Horse Ventures LLC"

I'm not so good in english but for me the meaning is clear?

Tom Manos wrote:
Hi All,

This reply is intended to answer several of the questions that have gone before...
Romano & Lucio,

While we do not allow redistribution without first executing a Resellers Agreement, the process of executing that agreement is simple and allows you to do what you want. We just feel more comfortable knowing who is working with customers and our software.

Additionally, writing software which uses our API's is not forbidden and does not constitute redistribution of our source code (how could it?).

Information about Centric CRM architecture is contained in the Centric CRM Documentation project, and contains separate documentation on architecture, framework and development, the schema, the XML-HTTP API, the persistance framework, and others (I can't remember what they all are at this point). There is also a ~300 page users manual there for the downloading. In short, we have tried to be as transparent as we could possibly be, and share all our technical documents with the community. If we've written it down, it's there. If we haven't written it down, it's because we haven't had the time, not because we're trying to hide something from the community or our competitors.

I hope this answers your questions and perhaps stimulates more questions and conversation.


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