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Search for open items lists a couple closed items too?

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Search for open items lists a couple closed items too?

12/9/2005 12:45 PM EST

Version 3.1, OS Solaris

When searching for Open Opportunities (all users, all types, all stages) there are a couple that return in the list which are closed.

Doing a search for Closed Opportunities (all users, all types, all stages) does not include these same two items.

1. 12/15/2005 1:33 PM EST
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


After some research, this is a bug that some users might see.

The code for building the list does a check for "any" open component and "any" closed component for the search results. While only opportunities you have access to are returned and shown, the results can be misleading because the filter also takes into account opportunities that don't belong to you and for which you can't see. For example, an Opportunity has several components and you have access to one component and not the other.

Centric v4 introduces an opportunity manager and additional sharing permissions for opportunities which would probably prevent this from happening.

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