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Private / Business Data

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Private / Business Data

6/15/2005 11:11 AM EDT

My proposition how to improve Employees Module is to separate business and private data (tel, mail, address, etc.). This idea is to make business ones accessible to all employees (very useful in bigger organizations) and private ones only to management, HR officer, etc.

I think it would be very useful but don't know if it's logic can be implemented into existing structure of centric.


1. 6/21/2005 11:10 PM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Today, the private data could be stored in the Employee's Folder, and you could provide access to Employee Folders only to the roles that should see that data.

Folders is an implementation of Custom Forms and Fields that allows an Employee record to be associated with one or more custom records. These are configured in the Admin module.

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