By Matt Rajkowski
Concursive Corporation
Product Design
We truly haven't seen this issue before, but no doubt there is some configuration that is causing a problem. Please list your operating system and specific version of java and tomcat.
The Java API tries to store a preference in the user's home directory. If the user that runs Tomcat does not have a home directory, then after a restart the user will be prompted to configure the application again. Choosing the same path reloads the existing configuration so make sure you restart Tomcat to verify if it really stuck.
If this occurs, then in the Tomcat startup script, you can add a variable called CATALINA_OPTS, or use an environment variable, with a directory that the tomcat user does have access to...
CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=/opt/concursive/connect/userPrefs -Djava.util.prefs.systemRoot=/opt/concursive/connect/systemPrefs"